Brett Dennis
I chose Bride’s Hill, an 1828 tidewater cottage in Lawrence County to represent “Choosing Here”. It was my sojourn to see the old house with the name of Bride’s Hill that led me to Lawrence County. When I first laid eyes on the place I didn’t know of its significant history not only to Alabama but to the United States. When I visit an old house naked of its color and a ghost of its former self, but yet its intimate details are present, I feel as if I am communing with a relic of the past. I can imagine the daily activities and what the comfort of existence was during those times. Places like this give us a sense of place and a connection. There is so much of this history present in Alabama that I feel as if it needs to be honored and visited before it gone just as one visits an elder before they pass. I want to play a part in saving these great places.